
Breaking News

Kenapa 7 Kanak2 Orang Asli Hilang Secara Misteri - Keluarga Anak2 Orang Asli Dilayan Dengan Teruk, Luahan Aktivis.

- Hilang selama 48 hari.

- Selama berminggu2 pasukan SAR dengan kerjasama penduduk kampung mencari dan menyelamat kanak2 orang asli yang hilang itu.

- Bahkan pasukan SAR meminta bantuan ustaz dan dukun bagi membantu operasi.

- Tetapi kesemua kanak2 itu gagal ditemui selepas pencarian dilakukan selama sebulan lebih.

- Ada yang beranggapan kanak2 tersebut telah diculik dan dijual organ2 mereka.

- Namun segalanya berubah apabila seorang penduduk kampung menemui mayat seorang kanak2 perempuan yang mana akhirnya dikenalpasti sebagai Sasa Sobrie, 8 tahun pada rabu lepas (2 hari sebelum 2 lagi kanak2 orang asli ditemui dalam keadaan hidup & lemah).

- Pasukan SAR kembali menumpukan usaha pencarian di sekitar sungai tempat ditemuinya mayat Sasa dan berhasil menemukan beberapa tengkorak dan tulang rusuk (yang kini dalam siasatan polis untuk dikenalpasti identiti).

- Kemudiannya menemui 3 lagi kanak2 orang asli yang hilang di mana 2 dari 3 kanak2 itu ditemui masih hidup namun lemah (seperti gambar di atas).

- Salah seorang dari mereka pula telah mati pada 4 hari yang lepas. Identiti kanak2 tersebut ialah Ika Ayel, 9 tahun.

- Menurut pasukan SAR, kawasan ditemui kanak2 tersebut ialah kawasan operasi pencarian sebelum ini tetapi pasukan SAR gagal menemukan kelibat sekumpulan kanak2 tersebut.

- Jangkaan awal pasukan SAR ialah kanak2 tersebut melarikan diri / menyorokkan diri dari pasukan SAR ketika operasi mencari dan menyelamat dilakukan.

- Dan ini la yang menimbulkan tanda tanya kepada orang ramai. Kenapa sekumpulan kanak2 itu terlalu takut untuk diselamatkan? Kenapa lebih rela menahan lapar, duduk dalam hutan & bergelap berbanding pulang semula ke pangkuan keluarga.

- Ada yang menyalahkan pihak guru. Pendapat aku tindakan itu tidak patut. Sudah tentu guru bertanggungjawab menjaga keselamatan murid2nya. Mandi di sungai tanpa kebenaran dan kawalan keselamatan boleh mengundang risiko. Jika kanak2 tersebut didapati mati lemas, kepada pihak sekolah kesalahan akan dikembalikan. Maka, nak kata tindakan guru adalah salah kerana 'bakal marah' murid2 yang mandi sungai adalah tuduhan melampau.

- Tambahan pula, belum kena marah lagi. Murid2 tue takut dan lari sebab takut kena marah. Bukan bermaksud dah kena marah.

- Perasaan takut kena marah neh bukan hanya ada di kalangan kanak2 bahkan orang dewasa juga. Mungkin perasan terlalu takut itu la yang mendorong kanak2 itu memilih melarikan diri dari menerima hukuman. 

- Tapi kanak2 orang asli tue kira cekap juga. Pandai menyorokkan diri daripada pasukan SAR selama 48 hari. 

- Sebahagian dari mereka juga buang mayat kanak2 lain yang telah mati ke dalam sungai.

- Hanya makan rumput dan buah2an selama bertahan di dalam hutan.

- Mungkin kesemua mereka dah nekad tunggu kematian kot? Tapi aku rasa mustahil juga kanak2 boleh ada pemikiran sebegitu.

- SAR masih mencari 3 yang lain.

- Selepas 2 kanak2 perempuan yang berjaya diselamatkan boleh bercakap dan pulih, polis akan bercakap dengan mereka bagi membantu siasatan.

- Masa itu kita akan tahu betul atau tidak penaakulan SAR bahawa kanak2 itu menyorokkan diri dari ditemui atau disorokkan.

- Pada aku hutan bukan kawasan main2.

- Walaupun aku tak percaya pada kewujudan hantu tetapi hutan bukan kawasan main2. Pengalaman menjadi pengakap dan tengok beberapa insiden pelik ketika masuk hutan, aku dah boleh assume, hutan bukan kawasan main2. 

- Aku percaya sungguh pun kanak2 itu takut kena marah tetapi mereka sepatutnya lebih takut jika rasa lapar berpanjangan, badan semakin lemah dan seterusnya menemui ajal. Apatah lagi duduk dalam hutan suasana gelap sepanjang malam dengan bertemankan binatang buas. Bukan benda yang budak2 suka buat pun.

Dan ini pula luahan Siti Kasim. Aktivis yang secara aktif participate dalam hal ehwal orang2 asli dan isu2 yang menghimpit mereka. Siti Kasim menceritakan bagaiamana keluarga kepada anak2 orang asli yang hilang dilayan dengan begitu buruk dan teruk oleh pegawai agensi kerajaan tertentu.

Baca lah ;
I came on the first day when the first child was found. I will be heading into Pos Tohoi if there are no more discovery today. Since there will be no internet inside, I want to say it now before everything fades away.
I have been with the families since day one. I just need to vent out my dissatisfaction on how the authorities are handling the whole situation.
From Day 1, nobody took care of the families welfare. No food or drinks given to them by anyone. Come lunch time, when nobody said anything about feeding them, I knew I have to do something. I am not a rich person, but thank goodness, people have been generous in helping me when my friends did a shout out on behalf of me to donate because the internet at the hospital and the police station was so bad that I have to ask Ming Chua to do the shout out for me. We were either at the hospital or the police station the whole day.
Where was JAKOA?? Where are they? They did not offer the families and the villagers anything!! With the donations from my friends and friends of theirs, and also from strangers, I have to think about their food, accommodation and change of clothes as they did not prepare themselves to stay in Gua Musang because of the second discovery of the skeletal remains, they have to stay on. It has been 2 nights now and the people from the kampongs are coming out more and more.
Yesterday, the police and the hospital authorities put on a press conference at the hospital upon the discovery of the 3 girls. I asked one police guy who is apparently quite high ranking in the Gua Musang IPD, why aren't they briefing the families on what is happening? He told me, their priority is to save the girls. Yes, of course... I agree... but excuse me, you have time to set up a press conference but you don't have time to brief the families. Ika's mother was grieving when she was showed only her clothes and not the body. She was called haphazardly without proper support and she went in to see just the clothes and accessories. She is very depressed and could hardly eat anything last night despite trying to treat her to a pizza because she has never eaten a pizza before in her life.
There was a big tussle when the girls arrived and we have of course heard who are the girls that are still alive. Of course the parents, in this case, Midah was right in front of the door of the ambulance was anxious to see her child. Instead of allowing her, they tried to push her out of the way but unlucky for them Midah is a strong and vocal woman, a rare thing amongst the orang asli community. She shouted at them and stayed put to see her kid. This is just an example of how the authorities failed to be emphatic towards the families. This has been going on since the beginning. They were totally not counselled, no information given and were on their own literally. The families were forgotten. They were standing and hanging around like zombies.
Until I told them to put the families in a holding area, they were grieving publicly and of course these are good media opportunities. This is simply not right. The authorities should be more prepared to keep the families informed and looking after their welfare.
When Mirsudiar's mother arrived, she was so frailed and could hardly walk. I told the authorities that she is the mother of Mirsudiar but they were behaving like gangsters and trying to stop me taking the mother inside. They were pulling my bags as I was carrying Rosita, the mother, because no one is helping. If I let go, she would have collapsed. I was so pissed off, and told these wannabe gangsters ie some blardy policemen and securities, if they touched me, I will sue them. Real assholes.
So, the issue here is, where is blardy JAKOA. They were there of course, hanging around and getting interviewed but do they offer anything to help the families? Blardy fuck all!! When someone mentioned to one of their officers of this complained, this fella offered them to stay in their transit accommodation which was meant only for the sick apparently. Suddenly offering transport and all. They should appoint an officer specifically for the families!! Take care of their needs!! Food! Lodgings!! Transport!!
Blardy useless JAKOA and the whole lot of them!!!
Finally, are they treated differently because they don't fly on aeroplanes? Because they are poor? Because they are the forgotten people?
Blardy useless!!