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King Abdullah, Raja Arab Saudi Yang Kejam Disahkan Meninggal Dunia Akibat Pneumonia.

Samada dia masih hidup ataupun telah meninggal dunia, tidak la Arab Saudi akan menukar polisi dan pendirian dasar luar negara mereka terhadap negara-negara sekutu mereka seperti Amerika dan Mesir.

Palestine akan tetap terus tertindas.
Pejuang di Syria akan diterus dipropagandakan dan dimanipulasikan oleh pihak2 berkepentingan seperti Amerika dan israel.
Iran akan terus dianggap musuh manusia no 1.

Tidak la aku nak cakap horayy.. atau yahoooo atas kematian King Abdullah. Walaupun bagus juga untuk dunia kerana kita kehilangan pimpinan yang zalim. Cuma aku tertanya-tanya. Dia dah meninggal. Sudah kah dia berjumpa tuhan. Sudah kah dia mengetahui tentang kebenaran agama Islam. Adakah dia melihat malaikat nyawa yang membawa dia pergi. Maka. Tahu la dia tentang Islam. Adakah Islam ialah agama yang benar atau palsu. Seseorang yang study Islam, menganuti Islam dan mengakui bahawa Islam ialah agama yang benar akan tidak dapat mengetahui kebenarannya secara hakikat selagi mana dia tidak mati. Kerana pada saat seseorang itu matila maka dia akan tahu samada Islam itu benar seperti mana yang kita dianjurkan untuk percaya ataupun sebaliknya.

Kematian akan menjawab. Ilmu yang kita pelajari tentang Islam ialah petunjuk. Jawapan sebenarnya ialah kematian. Itu yang aku pegang. Jika Islam itu agama yang benar, sudah pasti sekarang dia menyesali atas apa yang dia lakukan kepada umat Palestine sekurang-kurangnya kan?

Laporan berita dari RT.com

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has died in hospital while undergoing treatment for pneumonia. An official statement has named Saudi Crown Prince Salman the new king.

"His Highness Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and all members of the family and the nation mourn the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, who passed away at exactly 1 a.m. this morning," said the statement on Saudi Arabian state TV channel attributed to Salman.

Salman has immediately appointed his half-brother Muqrin as his crown prince and heir.

Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud (Reuters/Jacques Brinon)Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud (Reuters/Jacques Brinon)

Prior to the confirmation, conflicting reports suggested that the Saudis had initially dismissed the news of the king's death on social media. However, Saudi television cut to Koranic verses early on Friday – a practice known to signify the death of a senior royal, Reuters reported.

King Abdullah had been in hospital for several weeks as he had been suffering from pneumonia and temporarily needed to breathe through a tube on account of his illness.

Abdullah was officially appointed king in 2006, but prior to that he had run the country for at least 10 years as de facto regent, after his predecessor, King Fahd, suffered a debilitating stroke.

The royal’s age is not officially known, however, it is believed that he was born in 1923, according to Reuters. Abdullah had approximately a dozen wives and was a father to more than 30 children, AP reported.

The new head of state of the number one oil exporter in the world is thought to be 79 years old. King Salman was appointed Crown Prince in 2012 and in the same year started serving as a defense minister. Before assuming these responsibilities, he had been governor of Riyadh province for five decades.

Abdullah was a staunch US ally, who supported the western fight against Al-Qaeda and maintained attempts to keep rival Shia Iran in check. Under his rule, Saudi Arabia strongly backed Syrian rebels trying to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad. The monarch had also been the first international head of state to congratulate the interim government of Egypt after the July 2013 military coup deposed Mohamed Morsi.

King Abdullah implemented some modest reforms in the areas of women’s rights and economic deregulation, but largely stayed away from any severe changes to the kingdom’s political system. King Salman is said to be part of the royal circle that will continue to pursue similar policies.

At the same time, Abdullah has been a critic of the Arab Spring movement, harboring fears that it may have inspired local unrest and would have subsequently given more power to Iran or Al-Qaeda. His attempts at keeping local demonstrations to a minimum cost the country some $110 billion in social benefits.

Any discontent has landed activists in jail. The country’s reaction to protesters has caused grave concern in human rights communities.
