
Pusat Brainy Bunch Dilaporkan Lempang Budak 3 Tahun, Paksa Minum Air Dari Botol YG Kotor.

Apa yang berlaku? Sekarang tengah kecoh tentang satu lagi pusat penjagaan kanak-kanak dan pendidikan awal yang dinamakan sebagai Brainy Bunch yang mana terdapat perlakuan seorang cikgu di pusat asuhan tersebut melempang seorang kanak-kanak lelaki yang berusia 3 tahun. Kerana terkesan dengan tindakan cikgu tersebut, si ibu membuat penulisan di facebook bagi memberikan pengajaran kepada pusat berkenaan.

Ini apa yang dilaporkan oleh ibu kepada kanak-kanak 3 tahun yang dilempang itu ;
Monday, 9th February 2015 - Day 3 at Brainy Bunch Kelana Jaya. MY 3-YEAR-OLD SON WAS SLAPPED FOR ACCIDENTALLY WETTING HIS PANTS TWICE ON HIS VERY 1ST DAY OF POTTY TRAINING, which Teacher Sakinah insisted to do as Regular 8am-12pm program does not include diaper changing or milking activities (so she claimed). Coming back from school, my son was telling and showing everyone at my in-law’s how he was slapped (hard and painful, thus the complaint) and so I called Teacher Sakinah to check if he was telling the truth.
At first, she insisted that no one touched him, but in the end, she said that she did hit him soft on his leg and that she was sorry. I know my son. He knows the difference between soft hitting, hard hitting, pinching, punching, slapping, etc. and so hubs and I went to the school today demanding to meet the teacher who slapped him. Guess who turned up at the front door? Teacher Sakinah!!!!!!! Almost immediately admitted that she slapped him and initial denial was because others in school told her not to tell/admit as such act is to be kept secret from external parties. Admitted that she slapped him with all smiley, non-sorry face, not a word of sorry and for something she herself insisted to do despite her (obvious) incapability in managing such circumstance. It was almost impossible for us not to physically hurt her.
It was truly an eye-opener for us how a supposedly reputable school such as Brainy Bunch could be led by these people that we call Teachers with respect. I am sharing this in the hope that strong disciplinary action will be taken against them to prevent other kids from being hurt (especially those who cannot be properly understood yet) and for other moms to beware! Thank you for reading this and pls feel free to share my story with others.
Rentetan dari penyebaran berkenaan, satu lagi mangsa anak yang didera tampil membuat pendedahan. Laporan polis telah dibuat pada bulan November 2014 yang lepas.
Lihat ;

Dan ini pula kemaskini terkini beberapa aduan yang diterima oleh puan Iqa selepas dia mendedahkan apa yang terjadi ke atas anaknya di tadika Brainy Bunch.
The CEO's wife, also the founder of BB, indicated that we lied. A Whatsapp group of BB Parents just been created. Pls PM/WA me at 0167572127 if you wish to be added there. Needing as much support as possible from all of you, especially working-away-from-home parents who send kids to kindy, to Share my post with as many people/groups as possible. Thanking you in advance
Picture of Teacher Sakinah deleted. BB CEO just told that she had tendered resignation earlier today. I will be pursuing this matter with JKM.
Thank you all for the likes, comments and shares.

Yes, it is Teacher Sakinah, Manager of BB Kelana Jaya in the picture - a picture I took once she admitted to slapping my son. I told her then that ‘we will not be coming back, that I will make an official complaint against your act and let other people know about this’ and she said ‘OK’ and then we left.

Personally, I wish to potty train my kids myself and only when they are ready for it. Yohana Sabri Kindly use google translate to understand ‘…potty training, which Teacher Sakinah insisted to do…’.

Benefit in making this story viral? To create awareness to as many as possible and BEING HEARD. No reply via email and PMs. However, a call received from BB CEO & Founder Md Fadzil Hashim just before noon (obviously since this had gone viral) apologizing, asking to delete this post and that Teacher Sakinah will be terminated. His Division Manager was in fact there (to cover a Teacher who recently resigned) when we came, but was not informed of our visit or case. He also confirmed that her claim of no diaper changing and milking for their 8am-12pm program is untrue. Hiring mostly single ladies in their 20s, they are inexperienced and in the case of Kelana Jaya, it turned out that they have only 2 teachers there now. To expect CCTV installed at KV campuses by end March and OKV end May.

Thank you Nik Nor Izzaty (slapped), Azrin Izab (Elsa’s hair outrageously cut without permission), Azleena Jomali (hit), Myra Mukhari (locked in toilet) and Norbaya Ahmad (forced to drink from the bottle picked from the rubbish bin and demoted) for sharing your stories here. Of the last case, on her behalf, all teachers involved are still (happily) there at BB Wangsa Maju left unpunished despite official reports made to the CEO and police.

Thank you Mazlin Taufiq for the info. We will be in touch with them for sure smile emoticon

Oke. Aku simpulkan. Hasil dari pembacaan dan penerangan di media sosial.

1. Puan Iqa maklumkan anaknya kena lempang sebab anaknya mengadu pada ahli keluarga cikgu melempangnya kuat2 di muka kerana kencing dalam seluar. Aku tak nafikan budak usia 3 tahun (dah patut boleh berdikari tanpa pampers dan perlu diasuhkan tanpa pampers at least pada siang hari) patut diajar tinggalkan pampers dan menggunakan tandas, tapi lempang kerana dia masih dalam proses belajar, apa keperluannya? Paling teruk pun marah la.. tapi itu kalau mak bapak atau ahli keluarga dia. Kalau orang luar tak perlu la sibuk2 nak marah tak tentu pasal jauh sekali nak melempang tambahan pula bila kita neh di pihak yang dibayar untuk jaga anak2 orang.

2. Rentetan dari penyebaran cerita di atas, terdapat beberapa ibu bapa yang tampil memberikan beberapa cerita yang mana anak2 mereka juga turut dikasari di pusat asuhan yang sama. 

3. Maka mereka membentuk satu kumpulan di wassap bagi mengumpulkan cerita dan kejadian dan mahu melakukan hebahan serta aduan kepada pihak JKM.

4. Walau bagaimana pun, yang tertuduh, pemilik tadika berkenaan menafikan sekeras-kerasnya apa yang tersebar di laman sosial. Dan mengatakan apa yang tersebar ketika ini adalah penipuan semata-mata.

5. Namun, cerita tentang cikgu Sakinah yang melempang budak 3 tahun nampaknya sahih apabila cikgu berkenaan telah pun meletak jawatan serta merta dan disahkan oleh pemilik tadika.

6. Pendapat aku bila ada dua pihak yang saling contradiks kenyataannya mereka antara satu sama lain, hanya satu aje yang mampu selesaikan masalah. Masing2 perlu membuat laporan polis dan biar polis jalankan siasatan. Kita akan tahu betul atau tidak aduan sekumpulan ibu bapa kononnya anak2 mereka didera di tadika berkenaan ataupun tadika berkenaan difitnah.

Apa-apa pun, buat ibu yang mampu duduk rumah dan jaga anak sendiri, elok la jaga anak sendiri dari biar orang lain jaga. Bukan nak kira duit dan harta benda sangat tapi proses budak2 membesar neh sangat cepat. Tahu-tahu aje mereka dah besar dan meningkat dewasa.. rugi tak melihat anak-anak membesar di depan mata sendiri dari kecil.. 


Rujukan : sini