Sayu Dan Sedih Bila Mufti Wilayah Sanggup Jumpa Pelacur, Penagih..
Oleh : Syed Azmi
Hari ini, sedih dan sayu sangat bila tengok Mufti Wilayah naik tangga ke Persatuan Kebajikan Komuniti Ikhlas Malaysia.Kumpulan sasar mereka adalah;
1.Pengguna Dadah
2.Pekerja Seks
4.Bekas banduan
2.Pekerja Seks
4.Bekas banduan
Bila dia sampai, semua tengah baring-baring. Saya waktu jemput Datuk Mufti tak bagitau sapa-sapa pun kecuali staff IKHLAS sebab nak surprise.
True enough, some even jumped at the sight of him. Ada yang salam cium tangan. Ada yang mata merah tak habis-habis ucap terima kasih sebab datang. Masih ada yang sayang.
Mata Abang Raja Azizan Suhaimi macam masuk habuk je terharu, "Tq Syed Azmi kerana menjemput Dato mufti ke Ikhlas. Sesetengah org jijik dan menghina kami. Tapi tidak memberi ruang dan peluang untuk berubah. Saya terharu walau org kata hari kami dah hitam tapi mereka masih tahu adab dan hormat pada ugamawan. Siap cium tangan dan linangan airmata yang mohon emphaty. May Allah bless u bro" Likewise.
The Mufti ask "Puasa tak hari ni?"
"Takkkkkkk" some answered loudly. Hadoyyyyy.
"Takkkkkkk" some answered loudly. Hadoyyyyy.
The Mufti today open a tazkirah session. All of them duduk bersila and rapat-rapat. It was really an amazing sight. He open a Q&A session. They voice out how people look down at them and that hurts. I was truly touched when the MUFTI mohon ampun on behalf of other Muslims who treats them bad.
Datuk Mufti gave some duit raya and lead the Zohor prayer together. It was simply marvellous.
So now, please do help this organisation. Their aqidah is still intact and they do need support. Please dihubungi 03 40511211 if you wish to enquire anything.
It is not about me, it is about my fellow Muslim men who yearns kasih sayang. Acknowledge theor existence even though we don't condone their choices. That is gold.
Thank you so much to all for making my Mufti his day. Allah clearly knows best.
So where can i bring our Mufti next? That is my mission.